M&A Forum

Bringing buyers and sellers together

M&A Forum brings buyers and sellers together so they can more effectively multiply their opportunities and make good deals–all while enjoying great speakers and lively panel discussions on a range of M&A topics of interest. In addition, the Forum provides an ideal setting in which to match buyers and sellers through the trusted relationships developed within our membership.

Forum participants do not network to solicit business from each other, but instead draw upon the experience and wisdom of trusted professionals and their expansive circles of influence. As a participant, you’ll be privy to a wealth of resources not available in other organizations. All at no cost to you.

Who may participate?

Business Navigator members (and those considering membership), buyers/investors as well as sellers/companies looking for investors.

How it works

Both sellers and buyers are offered the assistance of experienced Forum intermediaries to help facilitate and guide the process.

Buyers are provided a consolidated list of businesses that are on the market as well as acquisition strategies, targets and guidance in negotiating, funding, transferring and help in integrating companies.

Additionally, all participants are supported with experts in the many ancillary services required to bring the deal from conception to completion including:

  • Private equity and other investor organizations
  • Bankers and other lenders
  • Business and equipment valuators
  • M&A attorneys, accountants and tax advisors
  • Personnel companies and organizational consultants
  • Business transition and integration experts
  • Specialty service providers to principals
  • Wealth management and financial planning

Personal guidance and the disclosure of confidential information is done outside Forum meetings with the proper safeguards in place.

Our Servant Leadership credo

Business Navigators provides these services without expectation of any financial investment by you or your company. For us, Servant Leadership is not just a slogan, it’s a way of life from which we all benefit. By strengthening our businesses and organizations, we strengthen our communities.

Be a part of DFW’s fast-growing Servant Leadership community. Contact us for additional information about our M&A Forum.

Hear It From Our Members